Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Poetry Page

I am making some changes on my Poetry Page. One by one, I shall be posting my poetry every Tuesday in posts and then posting 'hot-links' to those individual poems on my Poetry Page, slowly eliminating the poetry that is already on there. Currently, I have added (at the bottom of my Poetry Page) hot-links to the poems I have already posted, if you want to check them out.)

I am doing this because I have gotten several emails requesting that I post more of my poetry up on my blog since all of my work was cowardly removed by Goodreads when I was a member. Since people can no longer go there to read my poetry, I will start posting them here.

I will also be posting hot-links to Ira's poetry as well, and I have posted a hot-link to the poem written for me by my friend Cristy Quinn. Any other "guest" poetry that I may post in the future will also be hot-linked on my Poetry Page.

All of this will take some time, but should be completed by the end of the year. Then all anyone will have to do is when you want to read my poetry, just go to the Poetry Page and click on the link of the poem you wish to read.

Here is a hot-link to my Poetry Page and you may scroll down to the bottom to see what I am doing.

Thank you.

P.S. - And one more reminder, Ira, my sister, and / or Jenny proof all comments made on this blog. I do not see any of them anymore because there are still some "nasty" comments apparently being made (from what they tell me) and for the most part, the people posting them do not care if their comments get posted or not, but they think I am at least reading them ... which of course, I'm not. So, why they are still leaving them is a mystery to me. All I am told is that they are still being made and yes, they are still being made by the cowardly "Anon" folks. (Haha) Anyhow, I just thought it was worth being mentioned again.

Peace and Love to all!

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